border collieand tabby cat sitting next to each other Tracie Hotchner the Radio Pet Lady
May 5

Welcoming Levi the Pug to the Halo Healthy Weight Challenge

Welcoming Levi the Pug to the Halo Healthy Weight Challenge Dr. Donna and I are especially happy to welcome Levi the Pug in South Dakota to our Halo Healthy Weight Challenge, because Levi needs a corrective eye surgery to retain his sight, but for safety's sake, his veterinarian will not perform the surgery until Levi... Read more »

border collieand tabby cat sitting next to each other Tracie Hotchner the Radio Pet Lady
Apr 16

The New Dog Flu: What You Need To Know

The New Dog Flu – What You Really Need To Know By now you’ve probably heard about the brand new H3N2 strain of dog flu that has swept through Chicago, sickening and killing dogs. Halo’s own veterinary expert, Dr. Donna Spector, happens to practice in Chicago, where she is a board certified internist so I... Read more »

border collieand tabby cat sitting next to each other Tracie Hotchner the Radio Pet Lady
Apr 9

Japanese Chin Vinny the Vivamune Puppy

Japanese Chin Vinny the Vivamune Puppy My radio sponsor Vivamune makes an immune-system-boosting supplement that I wanted some of my special listeners to “road test,” and I thought of the beautiful little Japanese Chins being rescued and fostered, often from puppy mills, who might really benefit from the added boost to their wellness. My own... Read more »

border collieand tabby cat sitting next to each other Tracie Hotchner the Radio Pet Lady
Apr 9

Levi the Pug is a Champion at Losing!

Levi the Pug is a Champion at Losing! This is a shout-out to Levi, the not-so-chubby-anymore Pug in South Dakota, who is the lucky newest member of the Halo Healthy Weight Challenge Club. Levi needed to drop some pounds before his vet would consider doing the sight-saving eye surgery he needed, and his mom Kimberly... Read more »

border collieand tabby cat sitting next to each other Tracie Hotchner the Radio Pet Lady
Apr 2

Play Hide-the-Treats

Play Hide-the-Treats Is an over-hungry cat driving you nuts begging for food? You can play “hide and seek” with freeze-dried treats hidden around the house - or put inside a treat-dispensing toy to help settle down your kitty’s cravings! Kylie listens to my radio shows and wrote me about her kitty. “My cat is hungry... Read more »

border collieand tabby cat sitting next to each other Tracie Hotchner the Radio Pet Lady
Mar 19

CO Monitors Will Save Pets' Lives

CO Monitors Will Save Your Pets' Lives (and the rest of your family, too!) Everybody is aware by now of the importance (and legal necessity) of having smoke alarms in their homes --- and we've heard those amazing stories of dogs (and even cats) who awaken their sleeping owners when they smell smoke in the... Read more »

border collieand tabby cat sitting next to each other Tracie Hotchner the Radio Pet Lady
Mar 18

Skunked in Winter!

Skunked in Winter! The snowiest, coldest winter in memory has been challenge enough, trying to entertain and burn off the energy of a young, super-hyper, over-the-top energetic young dog. It has been so brutally cold, and the snow at the side of the roads has been piled so high, that I have not been able... Read more »

border collieand tabby cat sitting next to each other Tracie Hotchner the Radio Pet Lady
Mar 11

Dangers of Driving With A Dog In Your Lap

Dangers of Driving With A Dog In Your Lap Keep your dog in the back of the car when you are driving! Most importantly, keep a small dog off your lap whether you are the driver or the front seat passenger. I have been advocating this safety measure for years, beginning with advice in The... Read more »

border collieand tabby cat sitting next to each other Tracie Hotchner the Radio Pet Lady
Feb 27

Vivamune Supplement Helps the Skin of Rummy's Beach Club Swimmers

Vivamune Supplement Helps the Skin of Rummy's Beach Club Swimmers Lisa is the head lifeguard (i.e. the owner!) of the amazing Rummy's Beach Club in Spring, Texas, where dogs come to swim in a big special warm pool with their people. Lisa was eager to offer samples of the same Vivamune supplement my Maisie gobbles... Read more »