Japanese Chin Vinny the Vivamune Puppy
My radio sponsor Vivamune makes an immune-system-boosting supplement that I wanted some of my special listeners to “road test,” and I thought of the beautiful little Japanese Chins being rescued and fostered, often from puppy mills, who might really benefit from the added boost to their wellness. My own dog Maisie’s shedding reduced drastically and she became so shiny on Vivamune, and I hope the same might prove true for the Chins.
When I learned about Nancy, a dedicated volunteer doing rescue and fostering Japanese Chins in New Jersey (she was part of the “daisy chain” of rescuers who enabled my godmother Joan Rivers to receive her final dog, Teegan, from a Las Vegas Japanese Chin rescue), I thought her doggies would be perfect candidates. She had two adopted Chins, of the many she has re-homed throughout the years, and then several months ago she got the opportunity to have a puppy of her very own for the first time (from a wonderful breeder who also does rescue and fostering!) She couldn’t resist and when you see Vinny (on the right of the photo) you’ll see why I couldn’t resist either! I dubbed him Vinny the Vivamune puppy, and he has been enjoying his daily chew along with his siblings ever since he was a baby.
Nancy reports, “All three are taking it. They love it --- they just love it! Their coats look great and they have more energy (even Vinny, who didn't need it!). When we take them to the Short Hills Mall in a stroller --- yes, Tracie I have a stroller for my dogs --- people go crazy seeing them! Their coats shine bright, like the little stars they are.”
---Tracie Hotchner
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