border collieand tabby cat sitting next to each other Tracie Hotchner the Radio Pet Lady
Feb 14

Feliway Diffusers to the Rescue at Southampton Shelter

Feliway Diffusers to the Rescue at Southampton Shelter Here's a genuine and spirit-lifting thanks and shout out to Dr. Elizabeth Hodgkins (my co-host on CAT CHAT® ) and the good folks at CEVA, who make the Feliway pheromone spray, wipes and diffusers. CEVA is one of my most generous sponsors and they have let me... Read more »

border collieand tabby cat sitting next to each other Tracie Hotchner the Radio Pet Lady
Feb 6

Vivamune Gives Shinier Coats to Shelter Dogs

Vivamune Gives Shinier Coats to Shelter Dogs I have had such great luck with Vivamune for own blue Weimaraner, Maisie, who was shedding like crazy and had a dull coat until Vivamune supplements changed all that. Now she is shiny as can be and drops very little hair. Vivamune is a sponsor on my Radio... Read more »

border collieand tabby cat sitting next to each other Tracie Hotchner the Radio Pet Lady
Feb 3

Winter Booties for Buster

Winter Booties for Buster Cold weather woes for doggy toes! If you live in a city where it gets cold in the winter, the salt they spread on the sidewalks to prevent and melt ice will burn the pads of a dog's feet. There are ice-melting chemicals used instead of or alongside salt --- like... Read more »

border collieand tabby cat sitting next to each other Tracie Hotchner the Radio Pet Lady
Feb 2

Puploaf For Cancer Patients

Puploaf For Cancer Patients Dr. Judy Morgan is my new co-host on HOLISTIC VETS, sharing duties with Patrick Mahaney, and I was so happy to learn that she is as big a fan of The Honest Kitchen products as Dr. Patrick and I are!  Dr. Judy has two integrative holistic clinics in Southern New Jersey,... Read more »

border collieand tabby cat sitting next to each other Tracie Hotchner the Radio Pet Lady
Jan 30

Avoiding the Ouch of Ice balls on your Dog's Paws

Avoiding the Ouch of Ice balls on your Dog's Paws There are many challenges for our dogs in cold winter weather, but people don't always consider the problem of ice balls! These hard balls can form under and between our dogs toes when they go outdoors. When a dog leaves a warm indoor environment and... Read more »

border collieand tabby cat sitting next to each other Tracie Hotchner the Radio Pet Lady
Jan 22

Cold Weather Dangers For Pets

Cold Weather Dangers for Pets Here in Vermont where I live, the Vermont Temperatures are dropping, and with the colder weather, the Vermont Veterinary Medical Association wants you to know it's time to think about the dangers this presents for our pets, both indoors and outdoors-only ones. By taking a few common sense precautions, you... Read more »

border collieand tabby cat sitting next to each other Tracie Hotchner the Radio Pet Lady
Jan 14

A Farewell Toast to Dr. Donna's Little “Bestie” Morgan

A Farewell Toast to Dr. Donna's Little “Bestie” Morgan In the years I have been associated with Halo and had the pleasure of sharing my thoughts with you all, I have had the additional pleasure of becoming good friends with Dr. Donna Spector, Halo's veterinary advisor. I have also had the privilege of learning from... Read more »

border collieand tabby cat sitting next to each other Tracie Hotchner the Radio Pet Lady
Jan 6

A Healthy Gut: Why Important in Animals?

[Guest post] They are small—microscopic in fact. But they are the heavy hitters when it comes to your pet’s gut health, and actually to the total health of the animal. They are called “healthy bacteria” and they perform a host of great functions. These beneficial microorganisms are critical to your pet’s health. The Importance of... Read more »

border collieand tabby cat sitting next to each other Tracie Hotchner the Radio Pet Lady
Jan 1

Happy New Year from China to Fellow Pet Lovers around the World

Happy New Year from China to Fellow Pet Lovers around the World As we all look forward to a new year and take stock of the one that has passed, I find it amazing that after ten years devoting myself to educating, inspiring and supporting people about their pets, that I still get a thrill... Read more »

border collieand tabby cat sitting next to each other Tracie Hotchner the Radio Pet Lady
Dec 27

Marlene's Vet is All Wrong to Refuse to Get Vectra for Her Cat

Marlene's Vet is All Wrong to Refuse to Get Vectra for Her Cat Marlene in Florida is a listener who adores her two kitties and worries about their health, what to feed them and fusses over them with a bushel basket of love. On my advice, Marlene asked her vet about ordering Vectra for cats,... Read more »