DOG TALK® (and Kitties Too!) on 
Sure — Cats Can Be Vegetarians [if They Eat Enough Mice!]
#856B: Renowned pet nutrition expert Dr. Ryan Yamka and Tracie make mincemeat (sic) of the recent press release that “vegan cat diets are better for cats” who are obligate carnivores. Sure they can, Dr. Yamka says, so long as the kitties can hunt, catch and eat birds and mice, the way they did in the “research study!"
Every Dog Deserves an Adventure
#856A: Jordan Holt from Camping with Dogs talks about the founder’s book “Every Dog Deserves an Adventure” which grew from a powerful Instagram page to a community of dog lovers with a shared lifestyle.
What We Can Learn from European Dog Culture
#855C: Sassafras Lowrey’s piece in the New York Times “What We Can Learn from European Dog Culture” makes some interesting points about cultural differences seen through a canine lens.
Silver Whiskered Patients
#855B: Dr. Deborah Aronson is a veterinarian who is an end-of-life specialist, offering in home euthanasia and also professionally trained in pastoral care so she can tend to the emotional needs of her human patients while consulting on palliative care for “silver whiskered patients.”
Who Rescued Whom?
#855A: Grant Hayter-Menzies talks about his memoir “Freddie: The Rescue Dog Who Rescued Me” and how their two-way street of unconditional love got them both through the tough times.
Military Working Dogs Come Home
#855C: Bob Bryant Mission discusses his K9 Rescue that rehabilitates, repatriates and [when appropriate] finds homes with former military K9 handlers for MWDs whose military service has ended.
The Manhattan Killer Dog Pack
#855B: Tracie talks to trainer Annie Phenix — author of “Positive Reinforcement for Aggressive and Reactive Dogs” — about dog-on-dog attacks and the horror of a pack of German Shepherds kept by a bookstore owner on the Upper East Side of New York, who allowed her dogs to terrorize small dogs and finally to kill one.
“Who's a Good Dog? How to Be a Better Human”
#855A: Ethologist Jessica Pierce’s new book “Who's a Good Dog? How to Be a Better Human” exhorts us to meet a dog where they stand. Accept them for who they are — appreciate the neuro-diversities of dogs as we now do with children.
An Autistic Boy and His Quest to Win a Dog Show
#853C: Kate Foster in Australia discusses how she and her son are both autistic, which inspired her to write “All the Small Wonderful Things.”
Debunking Pet Nutrition Myths
#853B: Nationally acclaimed pet nutrition expert Ryan Yamka debunks myths about pet foods — particularly that “senior” foods and “keto diets” have no basis in nutrition science, says the man who in 2020 won the Pet Science Pet Industry Disruptor Award.