Vivamune Gives Shinier Coats to Shelter Dogs
I have had such great luck with Vivamune for own blue Weimaraner, Maisie, who was shedding like crazy and had a dull coat until Vivamune supplements changed all that. Now she is shiny as can be and drops very little hair. Vivamune is a sponsor on my Radio Pet Lady Network, so I wanted to be able to show people that my good luck might generalize to a larger sample of dogs. I knew the Vivamune company wanted to give back to the rescue and service dog community, so I had a grand idea! If Vivamune gave away product to the dogs and cats waiting in stressful situations to be adopted, I thought that the shelters receiving the product might be willing to give feedback on whether they saw an improvement in the skin and coat of their dogs. My first chosen destination was Southampton Animal Shelter, a county shelter with private funding out in the Hamptons, where two of my own dogs had come from. And they are the Official Shelter of my NPR show DOG TALK® (and Kitties, Too!) Sure enough, they could see positive results with Vivamune even in dogs they only had a short time at the shelter! Here's what I heard back from the wonderful volunteer coordinator, Linda:
“I have good news about this nice supplement! It seems that most of our dogs have shinier coats now that they have been taking the Vivamune daily. As you know, the conditions that some of our dogs come in to the shelter can be pretty bad. It seems that once they are on the Vivamune, their coats are shinier, but it depends on how bad of a condition they are in when they arrive as to how long it can take. We don't have that documented as to the length of time it takes to start seeing results since conditions are different for each one. Please use our findings if you wish, and I'm sorry we couldn't be more exact, but as you know, the shelter is a transient place!”
So you see, it's not just me! In the weeks ahead I'll be sharing reactions from other dog rescues and shelter as to whether they saw a difference with Vivamune. It is a win-win situation, regardless of feedback because all those pets hoping for a better life will have gotten a boost to their immune systems and possible even wind up looking healthier which might help them get adoptive homes sooner!
--Tracie Hotchner
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photo credit: National Take Your Dog to Work Day via photopin (license)
Vivamune is a sponsor on Radio Pet Lady Network, by our invitation.