DOG TALK® (and Kitties Too!) on 
Dogs Are Wicked Smart!
#890A: Jennifer Holland’s book “Dog Smart: Life-Changing Lessons in Canine Intelligence” takes a look at the “smartest of the smart” dogs who do extraordinary things for us with their natural abilities — and asks whether we shouldn’t be a little smarter in our dealings with them!
What Happens When a “Red Dog” Puts You in Court
#889B: Mike Gould runs K9 Behavior Experts and often gives testimony in court about dog aggression cases. He discusses what is meant by a “red dog” — an aggressive one — although he believes no dog is dangerous, it is how s/he is managed.
The Doctor Will See Your Pet Now — in Your Kitchen!
#889A: Dr. Amy Attas talks about her memoir “Pets and the City: True Tales of a Manhattan House Call Veterinarian” and how three decades of tending to the pets of the rich and famous in their fabulous apartments has made her deeply appreciate the human-animal bond.
A Brazilian Behaviorist Urges Empathy with Dogs
#888B: Luiza Cervenka is a PhD behaviorist in San Paulo, Brazil, who is teaching veterinarians and owners what dogs really need — and how to see and empathize with pain in dogs that affects their behavior.
The Tao of Equus — InterSpecies Communication
#888A: Linda Kohanov’s groundbreaking book is out in a revised edition — “The Tao of Equus: A Woman's Journey of Healing and Transformation through the Way of the Horse,” which describes how thoughts and emotions are contagious between species.
Helping Animal Helpers Around the World
#887B: Karen Menczer is the Founder/Director of Animal-Kind International, dispensing grants to non-profits globally, often covering the salaries of shelter workers without whom animal rescue would not be possible.
Award-Winning Veterinarian Guiding His Own Pack of Beagles from Horseback
#887A: Dr. Treyton Diggs is famous in the world of competition Beagles, where he’s an AKC judge of field trials and also competes with his own pack of 32 Beagles — which he has bred and raised himself and knows everybody’s name! Now he has won Veterinarian of the Year from the Westminster Kennel Club, which gave a $10,000 donation to Not One More Vet (NOMV) in his name.
Does Your Dog Need a Lawyer?
#886B: Kristina Bergsten, who runs The Animal Law Practice in Colorado [she can also practice in New York], talks about the kinds of situations where a lawyer specializing in animal law might be valuable when facing canine-related legal issues.
Dogs Have Hacked Into Us
#886A: What if in fact dogs are “running the show” and have gotten us to do what they want? Philosopher Michele Merritt has written “Minding Dogs: Humans, Canine Companions, and a New Philosophy of Cognitive Science” to explore her theory about how dogs read our minds all the time, if only we were open to seeing it.
A Talking Dog Manages his Owner’s Emotional Messiness
#885B: Jeff Pohn’s very funny novel “Hounded: A Love Story,” features a neurotic, addictive protagonist whose loquacious witty dog is tasked with helping him make better choices.