Cat Chat®
Brought to you by Dr. Elsey's

icon of cat image in the shape of heart with tail finishing the heart shape Tracie Hotchner the Radio Pet Lady

CAT CHAT ® was Tracie’s own weekly, live call-in show on the Martha Stewart channel of Sirius-XM for 7 years – until the channel was canceled. Since 2015 it has been a weekly podcast carrying on her mission to educate and inspire cat lovers to optimize their relationship with their kitty cats by giving them the best possible nutrition and environmental enrichment.

Tracie’s frequent co-host is Dr. Mikel Maria Delgado of Feline Minds Cat Behavior Consulting and author of the new book Play With Your Cat! the Essential Guide to Interactive Play for a Happier, Healthier Feline.

Sponsored By:
Dr. Elsey’s, who developed America’s #1 kitty litter and also created a healthy dry and canned food for kitties called cleanprotein™ inspired by a cat’s natural prey.


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Operation Catnip Means Snip Snip

#0128: Melissa Jenkins talks about the non-profit Operation Catnip in Gainesville Florida, which can do up to 200 surgical sterilizations of stray cats in a day. They have worked for years in M.A.S.H. style clinics staffed by veterinarians and a team of 75 volunteers, already surpassing 65,000 cats neutered (and millions of stray kitties who won’t be born to suffer).

Don’t Throw Out the Cat with the Baby’s Bath Water!

#0127: Cat behavior expert Dr. Mikel ( talks with Tracie about planning ahead when you are expecting so you can take time to prepare a cat for the eventual arrival of the new baby. Tracie laments situations where people abandon their cats with misguided notions about cats and babies not being a good combination.

The Art of Kitten Raising

#0126: Tracie’s longtime cat-loving pal Sally Bahner (“The Art of Kitten Raising”) has written a lovely book about “bringing up baby,” explaining all the ways you can get a kitten off to a happy healthy start in life.

What’s a Cat’s Thermo-Neutral Zone?

#0125: Cats crave warmth — which everybody knows who has seen cats curl up to fireplaces and radiators. The reason is because their bodies do not regulate their core temperatures as well as ours do. The solution: heated cat beds! Your cats can be as comfy as Dr. Mikel’s if you put a heated K&H cat bed in every room as she does for her contented kitties.