You Don’t Have to Feel Bad for the Turkeys This Year

Those of us who are not vegans or vegetarians can still have misgivings about the way animals are raised for food in this country. We’d like to be able to choose humanely raised animals in the food chain, which isn’t always easy. The Humane Society of the United States has worked long and hard to improve conditions for pigs, cows, chickens and turkeys so that they are not raised in confinement cages or in otherwise cruel conditions. Halo Purely for Pets has teamed up with HSUS specifically around this issue, helping raise awareness.

 The Humane Society of the U.S. on “Giving Tuesday” November 28th

#GivingTuesday is a global day of giving fueled by the power of social media and collaboration. This year, for every $1 you donate to The Humane Society of The United States, Halo is donating one bowl of food to a rescued animal courtesy of and Plus, your gift directly supports the work of the Animal Rescue Team so that every dollar raised helps HSUS save animals from puppy mills, animal fighting operations and other situations where they're suffering from extreme cruelty and neglect.

Thanksgiving Every Day for our Pets

It is possible to choose a turkey or chicken this year for our own Thanksgiving that has had a decent, more natural life. For those of us who know that high quality protein is an important part of our pets’ diets, we may have qualms about where the protein in our pet foods comes from. I’m here to celebrate a happy Thanksgiving knowing that we no longer need to worry about this issue: Halo has it covered!

My own dogs get to celebrate Thanksgiving throughout the year eating the Halo Healthy Weight kibble made from humanely sourced turkey, turkey liver and duck. It makes a difference to me --- and many of my friends --- to know that Halo's turkey recipes are made from humanely-sourced turkeys, which lived a good life. Halo® is a mission-driven company, working to improve the way companion animals are fed and farm animals are raised in the process of making top shelf food for our pets using only whole meat.

GAP Certification for Humanely Raised Feed Animals

Halo's meat proteins are GAP certified., which stands for Global Animal Partnership (GAP) Certification The GAP certification label verifies that the animals have been raised following comprehensive standards focused on their care and welfare. The Global Animal Partnership is a global leader in farm animal welfare that has established a comprehensive step-by-step program for raising animals to be consumed, with the goal of improving the welfare of animals in agriculture. GAP makes it easier for consumers to find meat products that reflect their values.

Give Thanks for a Pet Food Company with a Conscience

There is an added bonus to choosing Halo products for your pet’s best nutrition. You get the peace of mind knowing that the management and sourcing of the ingredients for all their pet foods has been done thoughtfully and carefully, ensuring high quality whole meats without undue suffering to the animals raised for food. The “takeaway” from feeding to your pets, is that every time you open a bag or can it is reminding you of the importance of treating farm animals with dignity. Let’s hope that mindfulness spills over into many aspects of our lives and makes us better people, too.

---Tracie Hotchner

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Halo is a sponsor on Radio Pet Lady Network, by our invitation.

photo credit: marcel.roentzsch Erlebnisbauernhof Lindenhof Truthahn via photopin (license)