Callie Playing in her Wheelchair New Leash On Life

A disabled dog finds hope, thanks to her devoted family.

In celebration of National Pet Week, I would like to share some happy news from a family whose pit bull mix, Callie, has a new leash on life.

The Craig family of Willis, Texas, refused to give up on Callie, who had lost mobility in her rear legs after suffering a herniated disk. Callie still had the tenacity and can-do spirit to see her through, so the Craigs tried months of pain and anti-inflammatory medications that their veterinarian had suggested. They also tried acupuncture. Refusing to give up, the Craigs purchased an adjustable dog wheelchair.

Callie took to her new ride, and within a few months she was mobile again! Now she doesn’t have to use the wheelchair. It’s a feel good story that shows how with loving care, good nutrition and patience, a seemingly doomed dog can make a major comeback.  DiAnne Craig is so grateful for the success of the Walkin’ Wheels dog wheelchair that she set up a special fundraiser, through her online jewelry Facebook page, dedicated to helping the Handicapped Pets Foundation provide Walkin’ Wheels for pets in need.

Here’s a video of Callie, from her first days of paralysis to recovery.

—Tracie Hotchner

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