Mimi Discovers Best Feline Friend From Weruva
Mimi wrote to say she had read THE CAT BIBLE (and given a few copies as gifts to friends) and was following my advice to get her kitties off all dry food since any “kitty crack” is bad for the health of all cats. She discovered BFF from Weruva at the same time she was ordering Weruva. She wrote, “My three kitties are transitioning over to all raw plus canned food from an all-dry diet and I can already see a difference in their coats. Thanks for all your shared wisdom. I know my Kitties and I appreciate all you do for us. I noticed the labels on BFF and Weruva both had the same address so I wrote to inquire the difference between the two brands. Thought you may want to see their response below. Just FYI in case you didn’t already know.”
Here's what David Forman, the owner of Weruva wrote her (I don't know how he finds the time to respond to every customer who takes the time to get in touch!):
“Thank you for the email to Weruva/BFF. Yes, we make both brands. We created BFF as an additional option for both stores that carry our products as well as consumers who may be looking for something different. The BFF price at pet stores is less than Weruva as the raw materials used are different, yet the quality of BFF and the manner in which BFF is produced is no less than Weruva. We just use different raw materials that we source less expensively.”
The good folks at Weruva created this less expensive but very high quality line of foods called BFF --- Best Feline Friend, which still uses human-grade ingredients and is made in a human food facility, as is Weruva itself. The difference is that BFF is fish-based (the only way to keep up their high quality standards and keep the price lower) and while fish is not a good idea as the constant and only protein source for a cat, using it intermittently is just fine. Saves you money and gives your pussycats a taste sensation!
--Tracie Hotchner
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Weruva is a sponsor on Radio Pet Lady Network, by our invitation.
photo credit: rafaelhabermann via photopin cc