Thousands of cat lovers across America have been uplifted and entertained by the NY Cat Film Festival - which would never have existed if it weren’t for Dr. Bruce Elsey’s financial and spiritual support six years ago. Dr. Elsey’s was the Founding Sponsor and continues to make it possible every year as the sole sponsor, year after year.

Dr. Elsey gave the seed money for the Festival with the simple belief that I could deliver a series of short films celebrating cats - and find a way to get it into theaters (and peoples’ hearts) across the United States. He loves cats - I mean he really loves cats - and cares so much about their welfare and supporting peoples’ efforts on their behalf that he built and has sustained an entire company, Precious Cats. Their motto is “We Speak for Cats.”

There would be no 6th Annual NY Cat Film Festival (BUY TICKETS here) coming up October 21st if it was not for Dr. Bruce Elsey, who continued to sponsor and support the festival through the dark days of the Covid pandemic, when many independent theaters went out of business.

This year, for the first time, there will be a Dr. Elseys’ Meow Party (BUY TICKETS here) at the Meow Parlour on Friday October 20th, the night before the Premiere of the 6th Annual Festival Saturday October 21st.

For that reason Dr. Elsey is receiving this special award as
Founding Father
The NY Cat Film Festival
He speaks for Cats

P.S. The lovely Cat products company CATIT is joining us at the Meow Parlour and theater to celebrate the NY Cat FIlm Festival and all the people who love kitty cats.