Betty Shares Her Evermore
My friend Diane is determined to make all the best nutritional choices for way-too-cute Betty, her newest English Springer Spaniel (following in the pawprints of equally-loved Phoebe and Stella). Because of Covid I have not been able to visit and get actual kisses from Betty, but I was thrilled to be her "distanced Auntie Tracie" when I learned that Betty is eating just what my girls Maisie and Wanda get for dinner: the freshly cooked Evermore food that comes frozen to our respective doors.
Diane took my advice to heart and introduced Betty to Evermore pet food right when she arrived as a roly-poly puppy eating only kibble from the breeder. Diane wanted Betty's main course to be the least-processed, highest quality, human-grade food possible. Not only is Betty an Evermore fan, but now she's an ambassador for Evermore with every dog that joins them for socially-distanced walks.
Here's what Diane wrote about Betty's love for Evermore, thanking me for the recommendation:
We introduced Betty to Evermore almost on day one with us and eats like a champ. For full disclosure, I don’t know if Betty is a discriminating eater since this has always been her food, but I've been accustomed to picky eaters in the past so am grateful for her happiness at mealtimes. I can only report that she performs a full pirouette with every meal. If I could video and place food at the same time, I would show you the ballet that happens in our kitchen twice daily. We rotate through all four proteins and each are greeted with the same enthusiasm.
Betty has a silky coat, bright eyes, perfect poops, fresh breath and is full of energy. Maybe it's from good genes, but it's definitely from great nutrition. I also give her fish oil at every meal, per your suggestion, too.
I’ve introduced several friends to Evermore with a gift of whatever flavors they want to try --- as easy as reaching in the freezer and handing over a box of frozen vittles. As best as I can tell, all have become fans. I am a member of two Facebook groups (Bonac Pets and Springer Northeast USA) where there have been many posts asking for feeding suggestions. I always link Evermore’s website along with our high praise.
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Evermore Pet Food is a sponsor on Radio Pet Lady Network, by our invitation.