When it comes to supporting a healthy GI tract, its never too soon or too late to start a probiotic regimen. To ensure the best long-term health, begin seeding your pet's gut when they are puppies or kittens.
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They are small—microscopic in fact. But they are the heavy hitters when it comes to your pet’s gut health, and actually to the total health of the animal. They are called “healthy bacteria” and they perform a host of great functions. These beneficial microorganisms are critical to your pet’s health.
The Importance of the Gut Microflora
The intestinal microflora are tiny organisms, mostly bacteria, which live in the GI tract. They help to digest food, aid nutrient absorption, produce certain key vitamins, and additionally, play a major role in overall host immune system. Having balance with the gut flora has a number of benefits:
- Facilitates the absorption of minerals
- Digests certain sugars and proteins
- Prevents yeast overgrowth
- Manufactures vitamins
- Compete against pathogenic microbes (harmful bacteria) for colonization
- Strengthens the lining of the gut to help block dangerous pathogens, toxins, and allergens
- Stimulates immune system by increasing T-cells, producing natural antibiotics and antifungals
The Birth of the GI Tract
From birth on, the digestive tract of the host undergoes “colonization” by an amazingly diverse array of microbes, which becomes the base GI flora. For some, this base is favorable for heath and for others it is less so. This base is not static—diet, stress, lifestyle, and other factors can change the balance of the gut flora during a lifetime. In the case where this balance is unfavorable for health (aka Dysbiosis), the GI tract gets overrun with microbes that can be pathogenic (harmful bacteria). This can lead to a host of problems, including gas, bloating, cramps, headaches, joint problems and more.
Symptoms related to gut microflora imbalance:
- Diarrhea
- Constipation
- Allergies
- Inflammatory disorders
How to balance the gut microflora
The best way to ensure a healthy pet GI flora is to supplement with probiotics (bacterial strains, which have been shown to improve the health of the gut).
This is especially beneficial for young animals (puppies & kittens), so that you establish a solid foundation. Having said that, it is never too late to start a probiotic regimen. If your pet is manifesting any of the symptoms of imbalanced gut microflora, a probiotic supplement is vital.
A probiotic formula based on science for pets
Probiotic Miracle® is a simple, yet sophisticated formula that was designed specifically for your pet. The science behind Probiotic Miracle® makes it a unique fit for animals and the ideal supplement to support a healthy gut. The best time to support your pet’s gut is now—whether your pet is a puppy, kitten, adult, or senior, start your pet on the path to long-term wellness with probiotics.
Buy Probiotic Miracle
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Clinical benefits of probiotic canine-derived Bifidobacterium animalis strain AHC7 in dogs with acute idiopathic diarrhea. - Vet Microbiol. 2009 Oct 20;139(1-2):106-12. Epub 2009 May 19.
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Lactic acid bacteria isolated from canine faeces. - J Appl Microbiol. 2006 Jul;101(1):131-8.
Lactic acid bacteria isolated from canine faeces. - Food Sci. 2007 Apr;72(3):M94-7.
Isolation and characterization of Lactobacillus species having Isolation and characterization of Lactobacillus species having potential for use as probiotic cultures for dogs. - J Appl Microbiol. 2006 Jul;101(1):131-8.
Lactic acid bacteria isolated from canine faeces.
This article was originally posted by Nusentia at http://nusentia.com/blog/2012/05/a-healthy-gut-why-important-in-animals/
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