The Dog Film Festival Was Boffo in Chicago!
The dog lovers of Chicago came out in droves to see the Dog Film Festival at the wonderful Music Box theater, which worked right alongside the Festival team in doing PR. We chose Chicago because our national sponsor the Petco Foundation had given a grant to the great shelter group PAWS Chicago, which also helped to get the word out about the film programs, from which they got 50% of every ticket sold.
I was especially proud that the Festival has the generous sponsorship of K9 Advantix® II because this was September --- Service Dog Awareness month --- and Bayer’s support of K9 Warriors includes providing the veterans and their service dogs with flea and tick prevention to keep them healthy with K9 Advantix® II.
It really helped that the Festival sponsor Why Does My Dog sent their own Aly Delacoeur to do two TV interviews in the days before the Festival, and then I had the pleasure of doing an early segment live on the Sunday morning of the Festival itself. The folks at Fox 32 News were so welcoming and I had brought a Dog Film Festival limited edition t-shirt to thank a terrific PAWS volunteer, Tom Garrett, who came with a sweet little white dog named Gia, who was up for adoption.
Showing the dedication of volunteers who believe that “every dog deserves their best possible life,” Tom had taken Gia home with him the night before so they’d be ready for the 7:30 AM call at the studio. The (very handsome!) show host George was so kind and made us feel right at home. I couldn’t help telling Tom’s secret which was that Gia had not left his side since he’d brought her home, including insisting on sleeping in his bed and driving in his lap (much to the surprise of Tom’s own Labrador!)
Right after our conversation it was time for the local weather report, offered by their famed Illinois meteorologist, Mark Strehl. And get this: during the commercial break Mark said that Gia had fallen for him, because she hadn’t taken her eyes off him on the sidelines during the entire interview. So he asked if he could hold her, and he did so lovingly during his entire weather report!
Then he graciously took a photo with me and Gia afterward. (see above)
And all that extra attention paid off more than we might have imagined: Gia went to the Music Box theater and hung out outside while moviegoers streamed in and out, but she had already been “put on hold” by a family that saw her on the news!) She’s the little smiling white one in the photo!)
And to gild the lily, the other pooch at the theater, a darling hound puppy, Ducky, was also adopted back at the shelter after the Festival wrapped up.

It was such a thrilling day: so many happy Chicagoans enjoying the films and the messages of love and hope for dogs and their people. The two dogs who came got adopted. And founding sponsor Halo, Purely for Pets, gave their customary 10,000 bowls of food to another shelter in Chicago that PAWS chose to share the bounty. (more on those Halo food donations next week!)

---Tracie Hotchner
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