Feliway Diffusers to the Rescue at Southampton Shelter

cats in playroom with Feliway diffuser, two photo collageHere's a genuine and spirit-lifting thanks and shout out to Dr. Elizabeth Hodgkins (my co-host on CAT CHAT® ) and the good folks at CEVA, who make the Feliway pheromone spray, wipes and diffusers. CEVA is one of my most generous sponsors and they have let me be the Bountiful Auntie Tracie to many kitty cats waiting for their “furever” homes at shelters. Southampton Shelter is the official shelter of my NPR radio show DOG TALK® (and Kitties, Too!) originating in Southampton, New York.

It's a pretty grand feeling to have been able to bestow these life-altering Feliway diffusers and here's what Linda, the volunteer coordinator, had to say about CEVA's gift:

feral cat in exam room, with Feliway diffuser“The Southampton Animal Shelter is grateful for the Feliway pheromones plug ins! During the spring, summer & fall seasons we can be inundated with stray kittens. The older they are, the wilder they are! These plug-ins come in handy when we have so many in cages in a room. It calms the crowd, so to speak! One per room does the trick! Less stress, less hissy spitty! We use them in our cat rooms when we are introducing a newcomer into the group. Mainly we use them in our incoming cat rooms when we have strays and feral or semi-feral cats and kittens. I personally use them at home when I am taming ferals. It really works! It can calm them enough to be touched and eventually trust me to handle them. I also use the Feliway spray on their bedding and my hands when I have a really tough one to tame!”

Thank you CEVA and Dr. Elizabeth for spreading good, happy vibes to kitty cats around the world with Feliway!

---Tracie Hotchner

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Feliway is a sponsor on Radio Pet Lady Network, by our invitation.